The Value of Patience
By Jesse LeMay
We have all heard the old phrase, “Patience is a virtue.” Origin of this valuable concept is not exactly clear; however, many believe that it dates back to the fifth century epic poem Psychomania, written by the Latin poet Prudentius. Included in this writing are seven virtues which are in conflict with seven vices (yourdictionary.com). Regardless of where it comes from, there is no doubt that patience is needed in our lives in so many ways.
As individuals we must remember to be patient with others and with ourselves. Along with “love,” “kindness,” and other Christ-like qualities, Paul lists “patience” among the “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23). People are not always going to do the things we want them to do, nor are they always going to be the people we think they should be. Included in that group of people is self. Sometimes we fail to be the example Christ expects of His follower. However, with enough encouragement and patience, people can change.
Leaders of the home, of the church, of anything, need to have patience. Their responsibility is to help others grow and become better people. Unfortunately, sometimes individuals are happy right where they are, and see no need to grow. Arnold Glasgow once said, “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” Be persistent, never stop encouraging and leading by example, but be patient.
Perhaps patience is such a virtue because God Himself possesses it towards us. When we are caught committing a crime in the world we receive due punishment. In contrast, the Lord does not bring immediate retribution upon those who have wronged Him. Furthermore, He is delaying His return to bring glory and justice because of patience. Concerning this topic, in his second letter, the Apostle Peter wrote, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not desiring for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (3:9).
Our Creator is patient. Patient because He wants what is best for us. We too must be patient. With self and with others. Persevering even when we feel like giving up. There is great value in patience. After all, it is a virtue.
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