by Jesse LeMay
life is hard! Circumstances at work, or in school, or some other area of our
lives may be at such a point that we just don’t feel a desire to keep up the
struggle. It may cause us to want to just give up and move on to something
else, or sadly give up all together. There is no doubt that times like these
have and will come; however, there is one area of life that we must never throw
in the towel. That area has to do with our service in the battle for the faith.
At the
end of his first letter to Timothy, Paul told the Christian evangelist to,
“Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were
called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses”
(6:12). Just as other aspects of life can be tough and make us want to quit, so
too can the spiritual struggle that we are engaged in each and every day. Part
of this battle has to do with sharing our faith with others. Far too often, we
may feel that this fight is not worth fighting, or that it may be a waste of
time. Then there is the conflict we face concerning our own faith. Friends,
co-workers, family members, and much of the world may be fighting to get us to
wave the white flag of surrender. In addition, the previously mentioned
struggles we experience in our jobs, studies, relationships and more, can pull
on us to stray from God.
matter how great the pressure to quit might be. Regardless of the opposing
forces and their desire to see us stop fighting, we must not give up, no matter
what. Day by day, we must continue to “fight the good fight of faith.” In so
doing, we will “take hold of the eternal life” by which we were called and
promised the day we came to Christ. Yes, things may get hard at times. One
thing we have to remember is that the battle is already won. All we have to do
is keep fighting. Eternity is too important. Never stop fighting the good fight
of faith!
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